Digital Transformation ebook

Is Your Business as Productive and Secure as it Can Be?

Most people are productive only about 60% of their available work time.

Get your FREE eBook: Transform. and learn how Digital Transformation will save your business time and money.

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    "I had no idea how much time my employees lost due to inefficient & outdated productivity tools. Modern work platforms have transformed the way we work in and out of the office. Thanks Shawn!"

    Natalie Miles

    New Miles Media

    In the eBook, you’ll find:

    • How employee experience empowers workforces to be more productive
    • Digital Transformation and cost-saving productivity tricks
    • Where and why your employees are losing efficiency and time
    • How to turn the numbers around and leverage the latest methods and tools to improve productivity
    • How to easily spot scams and stay secure

    What is it all about?

    Did you know that we spend an average of 650 hours on emails a year and 13 hours a week? Most people are productive only about 60% of their available work time. That means that during a 5-day work week, only 3 of those days would result in productive time.

    Business transformation, working productively and cybersecurity could be your ticket to a better, healthier business. You might be losing up to $5,150/year due to email productivity loss alone for each of your employees!